About Me
Sujit Maharjan
Computer Science PhD Student at The University of Texas at Arlington
Reasearch Interest Link to heading
My areas of research interest include storage system, database system, key-value databases, and machine learning.
Publications Link to heading
- Sujit Maharjan, Shuaihau Zhao, Chen Zhong and Song Jiang, “From LeanStore to LearnedStore: Using a Learned Index to Improve Database Index Search” Accepted to 5th IEEE International Conference on High-Performance Big Data and Intelligent Systems 2023 (HDIS 2023)
Work Experience Link to heading
LogPoint Nepal (Apr 17 2018—Jul 30 2021)
EU based Cybersecruity solutioon provider
Solution Engineer- Solving the problem with deployment of the SIEM(Security Information and Event Management) on customer [configuring logs to be sent to the SIEM, performance optimization of the distributed log processing and analyzing system, troubleshooting/bug detection/understanding the customer requirement and reporting to the development team]
- Operation Team of Machine Learning Based Threat Detection Platform UEBA (User Entity Behaviour Analysis) [configuring logs to be sent to the cluster, running analytics, predicting cluster resource requirement]
- Automated collection system-related stats and analyze them using tools like pandas as a part of the operation monitoring team
- Organize knowledge sharing session called GuruCool
FuseMachine Nepal (Oct 2017—Jun 2018)
US based AI Strategy and solution provider
Software Engineer- Worked on AI Research Team under Dr. Steven Rennie (Prev. Director of Research at IBM)
- Automated the process of training the model using AWSSpot Run Instances drastically reducing the cost of training the Machine Learning model
- Organizing events: Global Diversity CFP Day, FuseMachines Datathon
- Mentored new fellowship receiver of FuseMachine AI Fellowship 2017 winter session
E&T Nepal
Software Engineer Internship- We were tasked with researching and implementing the solution for automatic setup of OS and the required application such that the workstation is ready to be used by the developer.
Education Link to heading
- The University of Texas at Arlington: Texas, USA (2020—Present)
PhD in Computer Science (Current CGPA: 4.0/4.0)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Song Jiang - Pulchowk Engineering Campus, Tribhuvan University Kathmandu, Nepal (2013—2017)
Bachelors in Electronics Engineering (Grade: 76.73%)
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Diwakar Raj Panta
Teaching Experience Link to heading
Worked as Graduate Teaching Assistant for following courses:
- CSE 2312 Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming By Prof. Dr. Chance Ray Eary (Fall 2021)
- CSE 5311 Design and Analysis of Algorithm By:
- Prof. Dr. Bhanu Jain (Spring 2022, Spring 2023, Summer 2023)
- Prof. Dr. Song Jiang (Fall 2022 and 2023)
- CSE 5335 Web Data Management By Prof. Dr. Elizabeth Diaz (Summer 2022)
Research Experience Link to heading
Worked as Graduate Research Assistant for Prof. Dr. Song Jiang (Summer 2022)
Awards Link to heading
- Best paper : 5th IEEE International Conference on High-Performance Big Data and Intelligent Systems 2023
- AI Fellowship: managed to be within 27 top students out of 400 interested international candidates to secure Fusemachines artificial intelligent fellowship 2017 provided by Fusemachine worth $1200 USD to study on and become proficient in the emerging field of AI.
- IOE Pulchowk Campus Bachelor in Engineering Scholarship: able to grab a scholarship seat at the IOE Pulchowk Campus by competing in nation national-level competitive exam.
- Best First year C project: awarded by Student Union.
- 2nd Runner up in +2 Mechanical Design Competition: awarded for Tight Rope Robotic Arm Model(TRAM) at the 4th National Mechanical Engineering Exhibition 2012.
- 1st Runner up in Hult Prize at Tribhuvan University: awarded 1st runner up position for our idea to help the refugees. We presented our idea of utilizing the large demographic of housewives in refugee camps to establish cottage industry franchise helping them to resettle at the host nation at the same time participate in the economic growth of the nation.
- 3rd position at FuseTalk: awarded 3rd position in the Intra Company impromptu speech competition organized by FuseMachines Nepal.
- 2nd position in Intra Municipality level Chess Competition 2068(2011 AD): secure 2nd position in Municipality level Chess Competition 2068 representing Yangubahal Macha Pucha(i.e. Child club) organized by Lalitpur Sub-Metropolitan City Office, Community Development Section and Swayamsebi Macha Pucha
- 4th position in Intra Municipal Junior Running Shield Quiz Contest 2066(2009 AD): represent ed Yangubahal Macha Pucha(Child Club) to 4th position in Intra Municipal Junior Running Shield Quiz Contest 2066 organized by Lalitpur Sub-Metropolitian City Office Community Development Section and Mijala Macha Pucha
Training/Certification Link to heading
- Columbia University Micro Masters Program on Artificial Intelligence offered as part of FuseMachine AI Fellowship Program
- 7 day master of ceremony and public speaking training Course organized by Community Development Section, Lalitpur Sub-Metropolitian City Office. The program was geared towards enhancing skills leadership skills to conduct child club meetings, noting meeting minutes and organizing program on behalf of child club.
- Logpoint Agile Foundation in which we were taught about the Agile Philosophy and how to implement it in our day-to-day life to enhance our productivity
Other Experiences Link to heading
- President of Local Child Club (Yangubahal Macha Pucha)
- Guest Speaker as a Mozilla Tech Speaker in My Skills My Future Symposium organized by Women Development and Advocacy Center
- Hack a Week mentor organized by Students of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (LOCUS) and Department of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering representing Fusemachines Nepal
- Point of Contact for IOE FOSS community
- Student member of IEEE
- Mozilla Tech Speaker and Active Member of Mozilla Nepal
- Organizing Tech talk program during college days Youtube Channel
- Gave a talk on various topics in python user groups and FOSS Nepal Recorded Presentation
- I
- Volunteering as IEEE Nepal subsection’s Webmaster