NL Store Facebook Shopping Chat Bot

NL Store is a simple chat bot to help the current consumers of the store to see the present stock detail and order things online. The aim of this chat bot is to reduce the number of consumers that are present in the physical store so as social distancing can be maintained during the period of COVID 19 pandemic.

Features and limitations Link to heading

  • Customer can inquire about the price of available items
  • Customer can ask for the delivery of the items
  • The online payment fabcility is not available as this chat bot is only developed for Lalitpur, Nepal where online payment system is not widespread and easily accessible for general public.
  • The service is available only for the old customer who we have already previosly delivered the product as the postal delivery system is not developed enough to deliver by provided address.
  • The chat bot only supports english for now. The support for the Nepali and Nepal Bhasa will be added in future if the customer demand them.

Privacy Policy Link to heading

The application does not store any information about the customer when you just inquire for stuff available for sell. However, when the customer places and order we will have to store the customer name and things that have been ordered. The information will be used to issue bill as per the legal requirement and used for packaging the order for a quick pick up or home delivery with some delivery charge.